It is estimated that up to this year computer crimes will cost at least USD 6 billion worldwide. A really worrying figure which cannot be taken lightly.
We must keep in mind that cybercriminals are constantly looking for new ways to attack organizations. Less than 50% of these companies that are in the eye of the hurricane are prepared to face an attack. This is where the importance of cyber hygiene comes into play.
Keeping your organization's systems, devices and procedures secure, from secure corporate communication to purchasing cyber liability insurance, greatly reduces the chances of falling victim to one of these attacks.
Risk management in the supply chain, the initial step.
Cyber threats are the order of the day, which is why it is important to do everything possible to limit the vulnerabilities of your organization.
Through supply chain risk management, we are able to maintain a strong network of trusted suppliers, protecting the supply chain from end to end. This reinforces the physical security of the organization helping to protect against possible cyber attacks.
Communication and close work with partners and suppliers is essential, as this will make it easier to understand their data protection and privacy policies in detail. The highest level of resistance against cyber threats is not achieved by acting alone, but is achieved when everyone involved commits to following best practices.
You can establish this dialogue with suppliers and partners. We must ask them the following questions in order to analyze the Trusted Network in detail:
How transparent are my vendors about vulnerabilities?
Do my suppliers prioritize safety when developing their products?
Do they have a comprehensive strategy to close security gaps and vulnerabilities?
Asking these questions puts your organization in a better position to prevent and, in the worst case, respond to a cyber attack.
Detect suspicious communications
Cyber criminals use social engineering campaigns, such as phishing attacks or pretexts with the aim of inducing them to provide, without the user realizing it, confidential information and access to their private data.
It is for this reason that making sure all your employees can effectively detect and prevent suspicious communication attempts is vital for the physical security of your organization.
Being aware of unusual communication requests and thinking before clicking on any links or messages will help protect your organization from attack.
Educate the user constantly from the beginning
Since the repercussions of a cyber attack can have a high negative and lasting impact on the organization, constant training of employees on user education it is a long-term investment.
Making employees aware of cyber hygiene should start when they join the company. Explaining the importance of strategies such as strong password selection, device lockdown and identification of social engineering attacks, your organization will be able to detect and limit the possibilities of human error, thus maintaining good practices.
Add financial protection with cyber liability insurance
There are up to 12 different types of coverage available for cyber threats. With attacks on the rise, investing in the right package should be an essential part of a successful security strategy cybernetics.
Given the wide range of options available, reading the fine print is essential in the insurance selection process, as this will determine the exact coverage you will receive in the event of a cyber attack.
If purchasing insurance is a good way to help mitigate the financial risk of cyber attacks, examining vendors, partners, systems, and devices, and establishing an effective cyber risk mitigation plan are equally essential steps to protect your business. the company from cyber attacks.
Good cyber hygiene works as a team
Cyber hygiene is not just about protecting systems and devices, it also requires time and attention. Maintaining strong hygiene through supply chain risk management, secure exchanges, user education, and cyber liability insurance are some of the key ways to protect your organization against growing threats.
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